Monday, September 9, 2013

Called to follow to a different place.

“The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.”  (Genesis 12:1, NIV).

 We may never receive a call from God like Abraham was given. The call we receive from God may not be to travel to another country. We not even be called to leave the city where we live but are all called to a different place.  The place we are going is different than the place we are living.  It is a different place of faith traveled only by followers who journey simply by trusting their very lives to God. 

     Our journey as a follower of Christ will not be much different from Abram’s journey of faith in the Old Testament.  We follow God’s call to a place unfamiliar and so did Abram.  Abram’s journey followed an unpredictable path with difficulties, anxieties, pressures, testings and failures.   What makes our journey of faith like Abraham’s journey so long ago is common reality of being called to follow God to a different place in faith. Faith ties our unique journeys as followers of Christ together with Abraham’s journey.   If a person has faith in God and follows the call of the Savior in their life, they will trust in the grace God will supply for the journey.  

    There will be grace coming to us as forgiveness when we fail to see or respond to God’s guidance and there will be grace coming in overflowing amounts to strengthen us in our needs and difficult moments.  Jesus Christ our Lord, promises to be with us everyday of our lives and throughout the course of our lives. Through familiar and unfamiliar, throughout leaving and arriving, through losing and gaining, throughout comfortable and uncomfortable, through lean times and times of abundance.  Sure you may never travel across the ocean, you may never leave your hometown but you may find yourself in many situations similar to Abraham, which may or may not have come from the choices you made.  You may not travel far but you will have losses and blessings throughout your life in many ways similar to Abraham.  Isn't it wonderful to know that God is with all of us in our faith journey?  He loves us before we ever know it with a great love and He walks with us when we ask Jesus into our lives to every place we journey.  We are called to a different place in faith.  It is a place where He gently and watchfully leads us and a place of His unending abiding. 

“And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  (Mt. 28:20, NIV)

Suggested Bible Reading ... Genesis 12

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