We try hard to remember. We have to remember
certain aspects of our lives. We have certain responsibilities we need to
remember. We have appointments that we
need to remember. There are dates in our relationships that we need to
We know that some people are much better at remembering than others.
They are better at schedules and appointments. They are better at remembering
the birthdays and special occasions of those important in their lives.
Still, each and every one of us, forget at times. We forget promises made to others. We forget
appointments at times. We may even get busy with our own lives and forget the
responsibilities we have in our lives. We can even forget the important people
in our relationships with others. We make promises to remember but we may
forget those promises. We can remember our child in one moment and in the next
forget them.
There is One that always remembers.
The Lord never forgets us. He remembers every facet and part of our
lives. He remembers our days and every
promise He had made to us. He doesn’t have to see us to remember us. He
remembers us because He has engraved us on the palm of His hand. He does not
for a moment forget us. He never forgets His children. In His eternal and steadfast love, He always
has us before Him and He always remembers each and every one of us
“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me” (Isaiah 49:15-16).
Suggested Reading Isaiah 49