Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A busy day much like this one.

"But when the right time finally came, God sent his own Son. He came as the son of a human mother and lived under the Jewish Law, to redeem those who were under the Law, so that we might become God's children" (Galatians 4:4-5).

  Amid the dusty roads that lead into a small non-descript little village, a young couple journeys to a place assigned them for taxation and holy purposes, one known in detail and one unseen.   Amid all the noise of the boisterous city, full of the normal life and activities was now added more visitors than all the inns could handle.  Amid the chores and business of the daily routines, an inn keeper has in front of him, a woman needing shelter in a precarious position. Amid the demands of that moment, the tired host moves with the compassion to direct the mother to a quiet place even if it is not fitting the event of an impending birth.  Amid the ill, tepid and pungent smells of this paradoxical lowly and holy quiet place, could life even burst forth? Amid the hopeless of the age, could a God of love bring a hope that will matter and be transcendent to the reality of the days? Amid the conflicts and turmoil of the time could there be any peace in their hearts that would ease the ache and sustain them amidst this uncertainty?

      Amid the busy plans that many have at the busiest time of the year and on a busy day much like this one ... He comes. Yet how much time is focused on the holy purposes that are yet unseen as grace is given unto us? Amid the noise of the boisterous season and our normal life and activities, it seems we cannot handle anything else.  Amid the chores and daily routines can we even take the time to see the young mother giving birth to the Holy Child on this day?  Amid the demands that we have put upon ourselves, do we sense the compassion that is truly cast upon us and seek a quiet place to say thank you? Amid the ill, tepid and pungent smells that somehow fill our lives with their non-essential trivialization and disregard for the holy favor which is the true basis for this season, can life even burst forth to take us to the truth?  Amid the falseness of our senses in our self-made securities do we even desire the hope of a God that loves? Do we even want a hope that matters and transcends the reality of our time?  Amid the uncertainty and turmoil of our lives can we find any peace in our hearts that will conquer the ache and sustain us during this uncertain time?

      A vulnerable but holy child was born long ago in that nondescript village amid the noise, busyness, pungent smells and paradoxical stable house.  This child is a powerful gift who overpowers our hopelessness with grace and favor in amazing and unfathomable ways as He becomes the Savior of the world.  This same Savior comes to us beckoning us with salvation … gently, humbly and yet amazingly and powerfully amid the common, the noise, the busyness and the falseness to favor us and grace us in the unfathomable life He brings. 

     The Christmas season does not bring real and lasting peace, it is  Jesus Christ our Savior who comes in this season that truly gives us real  and lasting favor and  peace for all time.  “Glory to God in the highest” is what the angels proclaimed so long ago and   “Glory to God in the highest” should overflow from our hearts during this season because He has truly come to us.

“And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, ‘Abba, Father.’ Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir.” (Galatians 4:6-7, NLT)

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