Tuesday, December 10, 2013

We sometimes forget …

“When the evening had come, they brought unto Him many who were possessed with devils, and He cast out the spirits with His word and healed all who were sick, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, who said, “He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.” (Matthew 8:16-17, KJ21)

  There are numerous metaphors used to describe God and His strength which include substantial and solid elements and armaments such as Mighty Warrior, Deliverer, Tower, Rock, Fortress and Refuge.  These words convey in concrete and tangible images for us to remember the power of God in providing security, safety, protection and provision.  There are numerous other metaphors that describe God and care and compassion as Father, Shepherd, Sustainer, Keeper and Helper and still more metaphors that describe God as Healer, Creator and Giver of Life.  Beyond those and hundreds of others, there are metaphors that note God as our Redeemer and Savior and finally as the King.  In addition to all of the metaphors, there are dozens of names in the Old Testament coming from the root El such as Elohim name giving reference to part of the character, essence or attributes of God. Finally there is the Sacred Name "YHVH" usually written as LORD noting the one and only Living God. 

     In Jesus Christ the Son, all that God is becomes flesh as Jesus reveals in a living presence the God who the metaphors describe and names honor. As Jesus lived, as He walked, as He taught, as He healed … He was God amongst the people of the earth.  All that the Father was in strength and power, Jesus showed in His command over all the elements of the world.  The compassion, attention and care of merciful Father and Shepherd flowed through the Son in all the works He bestowed on those who came to Him.  Even as Jesus was rejected, bruised and crushed and as He bore all sickness and disease on the cross, He was redeeming the sin of the world for all time.  His ultimate victory  over death as He rose up out of the grave, crowned Him, King of Kings for all eternity.

     The metaphors and the names, the essence and the character and even the healing and the power are unbelievable and inconceivable in any possible true accounting and acknowledgment to us as human beings but that He saw us, He came for us, He took on all our sin and diseases, healing us and redeeming us forever as His children is something we cannot forget.  It is and will always be the “Good News” for each of us and for all the world.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but the world through Him might be saved” (John 3:16-17, NKJV).

Suggested Reading … Matthew 8 & John 3

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