Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Joy in the Lord ...

Her eyes moistened and the slightest line of a tear traveled down a wrinkle on her cheek.  They were tears full of remembrances that came from a heart tempered with the faithfulness of knowing her blessed Savior.  She was a dear saintly woman of faith.  Her faith was not a faith of the easy blessings or trivial words.  Instead this special lady, who sat in the wheel chair in front of me, radiated an amazing grace in her life-long reliance on Christ’s loving redemption of every part and facet of her life.  The redeeming love of her Savior was her living daily reality. Her faith was a faith of substance and strength.  In any given moment, midst any topic of conversation, a joy seemed to flow from her heart into the room. It was a sustaining joy that had carried her through both good and bad times all the days of her life. 
As she told of her life, it seemed as if she had only experienced a lifetime of hardships. A lifetime of trying to pull a living out of the earth on the Minnesota prairie and the ever present difficulties of health issues and the tragic losses of the ones she had loved. Still, there was a great joy in her words as she spoke of her Savior and Shepherd. In her eyes, in her words and in her recollections flowed a life long joy in her Savior, lived out in the mysteries of belief, trust and obedience.
As we talked about her lifetime, emotion caught in my throat at different times.  It happened as she spoke of outliving her honest son whose heart-felt ethics remained the governing force in his life and in his business.  It happened again as she spoke of having to say “goodbye” to a baby just born many years ago, who would never see the colors of a single day.  It happened again as she spoke of her husband, so strong and good, who she missed, so very much. It happened again as she spoke of her pastors and teachers, who had encouraged her in her faith along the way.  It happened as she spoke of her struggles to regain some of the physical capacities, she had lost from major and minor strokes damaging her daily abilities and functioning.  It did not matter what the subject was or what had happened to this dear woman.  It didn’t matter if we were talking about yesterday or yesteryear. 
Every thought ended in the same way.  She was always thankful for the Savior who is always the same.  He always loved her and he always was there with her.  As I sat alone with the woman of no high position but of remarkable faith; it was easy to sense the presence of the “Joy of the LORD.” Joy is not a word or a phrase.  Joy is not a series of lyrics to a song.  It is not an artificial happiness that fades in heat of the burning difficulties of life.  Joy is deeper. It as deeper than all heartache because it lingers in the searing pain of disappointment to carry us beyond all events and circumstances.  Joy endures and it redeems. Joy anchors us and joy blossoms from the ashes of suffering because it promises new life in the generous love our Heavenly Father will always give to us.  Joy often comes in blessing but joy comes again and again when all we have to hold unto are the promises of an abiding Savior and Shepherd.
 I have long forgotten the name of this precious faithful saint but I will never forget the joy she knew from her Lord that could not be contained in her heart.  Joy overflowed out of her in every word, every line and every thought. Her great joy simply was in her Lord.  He alone was her lifelong and eternal treasure and He alone was her joy.
"For the joy of the LORD is my strength" (Nehemiah 8:10)

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