Thursday, March 20, 2014

The places we worship …

“Majesty and honor march before him, Strength and gladness walk beside him. O people of all nations of the earth, Ascribe great strength and glory to his name! Yes, ascribe to the Lord, The glory due his name! Bring an offering and come before him; Worship the Lord when clothed with holiness!” (1 Chronicles 16:27-29, LB)

  I have stood in majestic cathedrals with stained glass filtering the light with brilliant colors somehow dancing across the pews.  I have wondered how the arches and beams could hold up such massive expanses.  In these places my prayerful worship floated on the words spoken with feelings of the wonder and awe of God.

      I have sat in humble prairie churches constructed with a sense of purpose yet filled with honest hardworking folks gathered to simply give honor to the God that saved them.  In these places my worship reflections were centered on the common thread of the amazing grace we have in Christ.

      I have participated in joyful exuberant Spirit led services in many settings such as homes, basements and old storefronts.  The surroundings were not even conducive to worship but the praise and nourishment in these places left me longing and thirsting for more of God.

      I have been held speechless on mountain tops, pristine forests and even blooming deserts as I pondered the beauty of Christ’s creative hand and steadfast love.  In these places my humble prayer has been of thankfulness.

     I have walked in dark and desperate places with people, both physically and spiritually, where sin and evil lurk to discredit, maim and destroy.  In these places my faith is staggered at bit and yet I cling to the Rock, trusting in the promises of the Word as I worship Jesus Christ our Lord who will never abandon any of us.

     Believers have worshiped in countless places with varying aspects of surroundings, contexts and meanings in their travels and experiences. Others have worshiped in basically the same place for their entire life.  In all of these places … each and every believer have been moved, touched and bought to a deeper sense of their faith as they worshiped their Savior and sought His presence.

     Our daily living elicits worship if we have a relationship with Jesus Christ and yet something happens when we come together as believer’s joining in praise, Word and worship.  The body of Christ meets together around the world in countless types of buildings and structures.  The body of Christ meets in awful places, wicked places and outdoor places and it meets in fancy places, common places and dedicated places.

    In all of these places; articles, decorations and elements are chosen along with faith as expressions to enhance the worship gathering.  These enhancements whether simple or elaborate, add to the worship experience of God. It is all given to the One who created the earth with a fullness of beauty, color and magnificence in purpose and design.  The  beauty in creation was a gift of God to us. As we delight in that gift, we bring Him honor and glory.  We should come with a humble, joyful and thankful heart wherever we worship but we should never be afraid to bring beauty, color, elements and art to our worship of Him as well.  Our God brings beauty, color, music, and fullness to our lives and thus it is not about where we worship but who we worship. When we sense and see God around us and in our lives, we are daunted by the majesty and love of God.  Worship is the declaration of that adoration and appreciation from the deepest part of our hearts in countless ways and  places as it mixes with a myriad of colors, decorations and art. Worship is not where, what or how ...  It is simply our expression of praise to our God.  Let us worship Him.

Suggested Reading … 1 Chronicles 16

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