Thursday, October 10, 2013

New life comes in correction.

“For this command is a lamp, this teaching is a light, and correction and instruction are the way to life …” (Proverbs 6:23, NIV)

  We bristle up when we are corrected.  We get defensive and tune out the words as incorrect and harsh even if they are spoken sincerely and out of genuine concern.  Correction and reproof make us uncomfortable even when it comes from those we love. We often began to question the motives of the messenger as if they are evil and in an instant begin to tally up the faults of the messenger in our minds, as we block out the possible factual words in the air between us.  It is hard to listen and we want to flee or change the subject of discussion. Usually we don’t like any part of this intervention of concern even if it comes from those we love. Even though most reproofs and correction require brave and honest introspection and evaluation, we look away when we are being corrected mostly because it is hard to look at ourselves. 

     In reality, to be corrected brings life.  If we were traveling on a road with a dangerous cliff just ahead, won’t it be crucial to obey any signs about the road being closed and turn around.  If someone who had been on this same road, took time to flag us down and warn us about the impending perilous cliff … would we not be appreciative.  If they suggested a new route and a safer road ... would we not be thankful.  Usually doesn’t correction, whether from a friend or someone that loves us, save us from the pain of our own selfishness and foolishness?  Correction becomes new life for us when we let the light shine out of it, reflecting on the truth and possibly guiding us on a new path moving forward. 

     Still the greatest and most perfect correcting words and direction come from the work of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God in our lives.  His concern and conviction is always correct and will always bring new life to our living.  Be humble and thankful when you are corrected, for it can be new life to all of us.

Suggested Daily Reading ... Proverbs 6

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