Friday, April 12, 2013

Looking far and finding Him near.

Looking far and finding Him near.                    A Reflection on Psalm 121
      Sometimes there is a searching aspect in our relationship with our God.  Jesus tells us to “seek and you shall find.”  What did He mean?  Did He mean God is not always close to us or the only way to know Him is to seek Him?  There are times when we sense the closeness of God because He interrupts our day with people, thoughts or the touch of the Holy Spirit.

    There are many times when we feel distressed, overwhelmed and discouraged.  Where do we look?  At those moments we need something extra … maybe it is a friend or an encouraging word.  Other times we need more.

    Here is the wonderful thing about our God.  We look up and we see His power, since He is the creator.  We look around and sense that He is our protector and He is always there.  We look inside ourselves during times of stress and He becomes our shade from the blazing intensity of difficulty.  He preserves those that hold to Him and His teaching. He holds us up every day and will welcome us into eternity.  Sometimes in our pain and difficulties we look far and wide before discovering that He is near.  He is there for all those who seek Him and His ways and there is assurance and peace in drawing near to Him.

Take time to read Psalm 121 today … find a prayer of thanksgiving  in the words of the Psalmist.

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for coming near when I seek you. You have done and you still do mighty things. I thank you for helping me to stand.  Thank you for always being available to me.  Thank you for being the keeper of all my days and for being my shade and my light. Preserve me from evil and watch over all my ways every moment and into eternity.  Thank you in Jesus name.  Amen.

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